And it's going great! (Thank you, Lord!)
The first week, Matthew ran a little low at lunchtime. VERY surprising because my kiddo gets so excited about school that his sugar runs high. Guess I was a bit aggressive with fixing that this year....
Anyway, I made adjustments and he ran high on Tuesday. Whatever.
Today is take three. Time will tell...
On a related note, I was thinking recently how hard is it to "control" myself when picking him up from school.
He's all excited to tell me about his day...his friends...what goofy things his friends did at lunch.
But me? Of course, I care about all that stuff. I really do!
But FIRST I want to know:
Did you go low?
How many carbs did you take?
What was your number at lunch?
No worries though. I put on my "Mom Face" and toss aside my "D-Mom Face" until Matthew shares his joy.
Then I ask about that other stuff.....
Thumbs up that school is going well. Don't forget to tell your kiddos to come to us for ANYTHING!!! We are there for any type of issue or just to give them a break from the inquisitive. I know all the cool equipment, blood and extra snacks can seem very interesting to their classmates but the attention can be overwhelming. ---Tracy's friend and one of your carb-counting school nurses.
So glad that school is going well :)
As for the peppers...I don't like to eat them raw...but I can eat them cooked with/mixed in with other foods. Neither of the peppers I freeze are hot would really bother my stomach..I planted the sweet banana and green bell peppers...
I'm so glad to hear that school is going great!
Ahhh the back to school "trial and error", as I call it! It takes us several days of "tweaking" to get Ally's numbers back to "school-mode". I have really tried to train myself to listen to her school day stories before drilling her with the D questions!! Although, the nurse sends a slip home each day with the day's numbers, so as she is talking, I'm searching in her backpack for the slip!
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