Thursday, August 4, 2011

Help! I'm Melting......

This heat is ridiculous.  Beyond ridiculous.  Seriously. 

Here's what my car said yesterday.  (While I was stopped in a parking lot!)

As many of you know, my fabulous husband is a TV weatherman.  (That was also my career in the pre -Matthew days.) 

People are always complaining to Kevin about the weather.  Especially these days. 

His favorite line?

"I'm in marketing.  God's in manufacturing!"


Unknown said...

Ha! used to be a Weather Woman? That is COOL Tracy!

Our Diabetic Warrior said...

What a great job! I LOVE the comment!!!

Joanne said...

It is awful! I have not seen the outside of my house in the daytime in weeks. I want the snow back!

Heidi =) said...

Personally I think you need to take a reprieve to visit the Pacific Northwest. =)

Anonymous said...

We have 'couple friends' that are both in the weather industry and we love to give them a hard time about what it's doing outside!
Love your hubby's line!!

Holly said...

I know! It's been SO Hot here too! Ft. Smith broke the weather record yesterday as we drove by on the way home (an hour from us)...115! Crazy hot-you know how it felt! ugh.

I love his reply too! : ) He just reports it, God gives it. ; )
That is you are good at blue screens? heehee Isn't it funny we all used to have another "job"? : )
Hugs! and hope it cools off!!

Unknown said...


I know.

It's freaking miserable.

(in whiny voice)

"But it's a DRY heat."

Yah. So is an oven.

It's still freaking HOT!

PS -- I wanna see some video clips of you in action!!! And the hubs. I just think this is so COOL!

Stephanie said...

Hahaha! Love that line!

Wow, it is as hot there in Texas as it is here in AZ. But I think you've got us beat, since we don't have the humidity. Hang in there!!