Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Minute Maid Just 10

Hey D-Moms--have you seen this product?

It's fantastic!  Matthew took one taste and couldn't believe it was only 2 carbs. That's right, just 2 little carbs.  So don't let the "10" deceiver you. The "10" refers to calories. 

For the upcoming school year, I'm sure I'll be packing this in the lunch box a lot.  I always gave Matthew milk in the past, but this allows him to be a little more like the other kids.

(I don't know about you, but I never can bring myself to bolus him for juice......)


Lora said...

I didn't know about this one. We use the minute maid fruit falls... they only have 2 carbs too. I was so excited when we found them because it made the class parties WAY easier.

Our Diabetic Warrior said...

So, this is a completely free food? Woohoo! You have just made my son's day!!!!!

Penny said...

Thanks for the heads up Tracy, will definitely check them out!

NikDuck said...

Yes, we love these! Natalie takes one to school every day and I always take these to parties for her to drink instead of the higher sugar drinks they usually have. We also by Fruit Falls by Minute Maid which are 2 carbs also. They are both by Minute Maid so I'm not sure of the difference. Locally, one store carries Fruit Falls and the other carries Just 10.

Stephanie said...

ahhhh, i want these!!! Have not seen these anywhere - which store did you purchase them at??

Joanne said...

I'm curious... what do they use as a sweetener?

Leigh said...

I can't wait to see if I can find them! I just can't make myself let him just have a random juice box! But that will be perfect!! :) YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Will be on the look out. Bean will love having a juice option that she can have when she's not just treating a low!!