Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Carb-Counting King...

So Matthew is planning his own dinners these days. 

With Kevin's work schedule, we usually have our "dinner" mid-day and a simple sandwich in the evening.

Here is Matthew's one of his favorites.  Came to 91 carbs.

He's gonna be a carb-counting king in no time! 

(Especially if a friend invites him over for PB & J!)


Misty said...

Way to go Matthew!!

Stephanie said...

That is great! Good for Matthew!!

traveller said...

It's amazing how fast they learn how to count. K can SWAG cookies and an entire meal sometimes. The thing is... she needs to pay more attention to the numbers she inputs on her pump. We ended up with a high last night because instead of bolusing 30g for dinner, she bolused for 3! (She was at an aunt's house and I wasn't there.)
Good job Matthew!

Anonymous said...

Love it when they know the carb counts for favorites!

Lora said...

YAY!!! Way to go :)

Amy said...

It does take time and patients to teach our little CWD's how to carb count themselves, but the results are fantastic!!! Congrats to Matthew and tell him that looks like one yummy meal :)