Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog Roll Update

Hello Blogger Friends!

I need your help.  I've made some changes to my site and I've update the blog roll.  (Finally....)

Please look for your blog, if I've failed to include you, let me know and I'll happily pop you in.

For those of you with cute, little buttons, I finally figured out how to include those, too.

(I'm so envious.  I want one, but don't know where to start or what to do!)

Also....If you're having a rough day and need a pep talk, visit my other site.  DailyDoctorMom


Anonymous said...

I'd love to be included....


Holly said...

I don't know how to use the buttons either! : P
You can add me! : ) Let's see if I can get a link... http://www.blessedholly.com/ Ha! (good ol' copy and paste!) ; )
three sweet kids and a seven-year-old named Diabetes
thanks, Holly
ps-I'll go check out your other site! : )

Meri said...

Awe! You have my button! I had a friend help me...so I am of no help to others!

Also, there is a new glitch with blogger. For some reason I, and other bloggers I know, can't comment on blogs that have the comments embedded on the bottom of posts. We can only comment on comments sections that pop up, or go to another page. I know. It makes no sense. Luckily, you allow, anon and URL/NAME comments, so I can leave a comment that way.

LaLa said...

Thanks for adding my button ----
I have no idea how I made it. Someone told me how to do it at the time but I forgot. I really want to do an updated version so if I figure it out I will email you step by step instructions. :)