Friday, December 30, 2011

An Idea for the New Year

Truth:  I'm a better person when I get up early and have a little quiet time before I start my day.  That time with the Lord--however brief--makes a difference in my actions.  My outlook.

It changes my life.

But there's another truth that I can't deny:  Getting up early is unbelievably difficult as a D-Mom.

When you are riding the BG rollercoaster, like we've been riding recently, I'm so very tired.  Kevin is tired.  Yes, we're both a little grumpy.

But here's yet one more truth:  A little time with the Lord changes my attitude.  It gives me strength for another day.

It makes me thankful for another day.

I've discovered Inspired to Action.  It's run by the ever-inspiring Kat, who encourages accountability in this area. Please take 2 minutes, pop over and check it out!

I probably take a different spin on this group than most participants.  I use it as accountability to have some quiet time at some point in the morning.  It may not be first thing for me.

It occurred me recently that God knows when I am beyond exhausted.

He knows if I was up every hour taking care of Matthew.

He knows and most importantly, He understands!  There is no need for me to feel guilty for needing extra sleep.

Most people in this world do not understand the exhaustion of diabetes.  But God does!

Now go check out Inspired to Action and join the Hello Mornings Challenge!

I hope you'll sign up!


Holly said...

Gosh-you are right! Our day does go better when we start with quiet time. I DO think God knows when we are exhausted. Sometimes I spend quiet time at night, and when I fall asleep, sometimes I feel like I'm falling asleep in His lap. He's there all the time, so don't feel pressed. Just show up. ; )
ps-I'll be more exhausted-I changed Mary Claire's basal rates-I'll join you in the Tired category! ; )

Susie said...

Hi Tracy!
Thanks for coming over and commenting! :) You are so sweet and it's nice to 'meet' you too!

This is soooo true!! Before Diabetes I was very much a morning person and loved getting up at 5:00 or 5:30 and having all of that alone, quiet time. Now, it is hit or miss a lot. Although since my kids are teenagers and we homeschool, I can still usually get some time to open my Bible even if it is a little later in the morning... but that sort of throws off the whole day... anyway-
this Hello Morning thing is interesting!

My question: do you have to exercise?? ugh! I am up with the Bible part, but I'd fail miserably if exercising every day is the plan... maybe it is just what I need! ha ha

and do you have to do twitter?

Susie said...

OK! I joined up too!!
Thanks, Tracy!