Tuesday, June 22, 2010

VBS Day 1

Overall VBS was great! I love to help out and Matthew is having a blast, too.

I'm helping out in the missions room and Matthew is going around with the 4th graders. I'm really glad that we're not together because I think it will give him the chance to be more independent with diabetes and yet, I'll be close by if there's a problem. (And to give insulin at snack time.)

The snack yesterday was cupcakes. Hmmmmm....didn't we conquer this last week?! Oh yeah! I was feeling pretty confident, so I didn't worry one little bit. (Can you say stupid!)

Turns out, I didn't think about all the walking around that the kids do. The groups go from room to room all morning. Jumping and bouncing....you know the drill. Hmmm....should have factored that in because.....

About 15 minutes before the end, Matthew dropped down to 54. Sigh. At least he caught it.

Just like last time, he said he could tell his mind wasn't working right, so he checked, downed a juice box and was fine.

This is so tough for me! I hate it when he has lows without me around! BUT....I'm so thankful that's he learning to take care of himself. And it's only been a couple of months! I really am so proud of him.

God has given me such a great kiddo! : )


Pam said...

Those confounded cupcakes! It sounds like he's having tons of fun!

phonelady said...

yep and at least he got it in time and if he can keep doing that he will be on the right track and you have taught him that . Good job mom and matthew .

connie said...

That is great that he is able to recognize these lows and treat them on his own, I know how scary they are and when you are not there with him, it must me tough.

Sounds like you and Mathew are really enjoying yourselves and I am happy it is all going well :)

Hallie Addington said...

Hi Tracy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself! Welcome to the "family"!
I'm glad to hear that things are going well at VBS! It's tough to have them away from you, for even a minute, shortly after dx. It DOES get better and it sounds like you're doing a great job! Hang in here! And come visit anytime!

Heidi =) said...

Great job Matthew at recognizing and treating that low BG. Tracy, you can't beat your self up, you did your best. I am learning that lesson myself. I have fired my self a few times in the past few months, only to rehire my self again and try to do my best every day. You're doing awesome!

LaLa said...

WOW! That is so great that he caught it and treated it. You have quite a boy there!!

I'm so glad that he is enjoying VBS - my girls love it too!!