Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quick Update

Matthew did great last night.

It's really kind of strange. I gave him half the Lantus---totally expecting him to go high with half the insulin in him---and he had great numbers all night.

What's the deal?

He never went low in the middle of the night before, so I really think the dose was correct.

Oh well, I'm just believing God gave us an easy night. What a nice surprise!

This morning, I gave the other half of Lantus, so we'll see what happens tonight.

May take a few days and I will try to be patient!


Lora said...

glad it went well.

The Crazy Pancreas said...

Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes these next few days!

Heidi =) said...

Praying the next few nights are just as beautiful!

Meri said...

I'm so happy it went well! Keep us updated!

phonelady said...

Yes glad it went so well dear and I hope you have another peaceful night .

Pam said...

Success! Isn't it such a great feeling? Good luck with tonight!